Introduction to eSputnik public API


eSputnik API uses HTTP Basic Access Authentication.
We offer API key-based authentication.
Please note that the API key has access to your eSputnik account. Make sure you keep it secure and don’t expose it publicly in insecure communication channels.

To access your eSputnik account resources with the API key:
  • enter any value as a username
  • enter the API key value as a password

Date/time formats

Date/time values are transferred in the ISO 8601 format.
Date format: YYYY-MM-DD
Date with time format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm

Time zone of a user, who sends a request, is used

Currency format

The currency values are transferred as a sum of the amount and currency code in the ISO 4217 format.
Supported currencies: USD, UAH.

Data charset

Default charset is UTF-8.
If you want to sent or receive data in another charset, use the following HTTP-header:

Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8


The operation completed successfully - HTTP-response with status code 2хх. Response payload depends on a current operation.
The operation completed with an error - HTTP-response with status code 4хх. Text details can be added to the response body.