dedupeOn | fileDedupeOnProperty |
Field for determining uniqueness of the contact.
link | string |
Link to file in external repository.
File Requirements: Not empty; Delimiters - ","; Size not more than 100 mb; Columns in the file should be named: First name. The following rules apply to character usage: - Max length: 40 symbols. - Letters from any alphabet are allowed (Unicode characters). - Three words longer than 3 characters and three words with a maximum of 3 characters are allowed. - Up to 3 digits are allowed. - Special characters are not allowed, except for: -- Apostrophes ''ʼ`´ʹʻʽʾʿˈˊˮʹ΄՚᾽᾿'‛′‵Ꞌꞌ' (only inside words) -- Hyphen - (only inside words) -- One dot at the end of words having max 3 characters. Example: Jr. - Names consisting only of numbers and special characters are not allowed. Last name The following rules apply to character usage: - Max length: 40 symbols. - Letters from any alphabet are allowed (Unicode characters). - Three words longer than 3 characters and three words with a maximum of 3 characters are allowed. - Up to 3 digits are allowed. - Special characters are not allowed, except for: -- Apostrophes ''ʼ`´ʹʻʽʾʿˈˊˮʹ΄՚᾽᾿'‛′‵Ꞌꞌ' (only inside words) -- Hyphen - (only inside words) -- One dot at the end of words having max 3 characters. Example: Jr. - Names consisting only of numbers and special characters are not allowed. Address Region City Postcode Sms Language code Timezone Contact id Additional info Column with additional contact fields in the file should be called: KEY_PROFILE.KEY_CUSTOMFIELD Fields that were not found in the system remain empty (not updated). |
groupNames | array of string |
List of segment names new/updated contacts will be added to.
groupNamesExclude | array of string |
List of segment names new/updated contacts will be excluded from.
restoreDeleted | boolean |
Add previously deleted contacts.
eventKeyForNewContacts | string |
Event type identification key. An event of corresponding type is generated for each contact.
If the system does not have an event type with such a key, a new event type is created. All characters are allowed, except < ; ’ \ / | " ` ' ^ ? ! , > Max length: 100 symbols |
{ "dedupeOn" : "email", "link" : "...", "groupNames" : [ "...", ... ], "groupNamesExclude" : [ "...", ... ], "restoreDeleted" : false, "eventKeyForNewContacts" : "..." }